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Past Events


Accountability in an Age of Algorithms: How Should Ethics and Technology Converse?

Updated: Aug 25, 2018

Professor Susan Schneider (Philosophy, Cognitive Science University of Connecticut; Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, Yhouse, NY Ethics and Technology Group, Yale Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics, gave a lecture in the Philosophy Department for a Thursday public event, followed by a Friday triple roundtable of faculty from the Boston area. The Friday event, co-sponsored with Rafik B. Hariri Institute of Computing, brought faculty at BU involved in the recent BU Cyber-Law initiative together with a number of graduate students, post-docs, and faculty from surrounding institutions. The three roundtables focused on 1) Algorithms and Accountability in the Human Adjudicative Proess, 2) Privacy, and 3) The Internet of Things.

We are grateful to the B. Hariri Institute of Computing and the BU Center for the Philosophy of Science for Co-Sponsoring this Event.


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